Clamp micrometer, updated 17.05.2020
During the process of constructing the parts I had to solve the tooth wheel problem again and to be able to remember myself how to do it in the future I made a tutorial video. Cycloid watch pinion construction in fusion360.
Cycloid watch pinion construction in fusion360.
If you do not see the linked video:
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Jochen Müller, specialist teacher at the Berufliches Schulzentrum für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, for his assistance on this project.
The books I used are "Fachkunde für Uhrmacher (Buch von Defossez u.a.)" and "Die Lehre an der Deutschen Uhrmacherschule (Buch von Schreck/Hess/Helwig)"
The article about the "Zangenmikrometer" was also published in the "Deutsche Uhrmacherzeitung 1927" which is online available.