Junghans Pocketwatch - Eurocopter Super Puma MK2

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Junghans Pocketwatch

OTHER STUFF > Timepieces

21. May 2011, flea market at Bonn. I bought this old pocket watch for 20 € as a defect one. The first look into the watch showed that the balance axle was damaged. Otherwise it looked absolut brilliant inside. According to the old Flume book the right balance axle was U410 which my Watchmaker had still available. The kaliber J47b/1 was disassembled, cleaned and reassembled with the new balance axle. This watch is from somewhere before 1938. Futher investigation about the watch is going on.

10. June 2011, I got an answer from the Junghans company and they confirm that this "Junghans Qualitätstaschenuhr" was produced from 1929 til 1930. :-)

July 2011, I took the watch up flying, a must be. Would be fun to have it strapped to my arm.

28. August 2011, I could get hold on an original WW1 pocket watch leather bracelet, the beginning of wrist watches.

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